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Thursday, September 3, 2020
How to Compare Two Novels in Comparative Essay
Step by step instructions to Compare Two Novels in Comparative Essay Eventually in your writing contemplates, most likely pretty much the time you get great at finding the subject of a novel and concocting a sound examination of a solitary scholarly piece, you will be required to analyze two books. Your first undertaking in this task will be to build up a decent profile of the two books. You can do this by making a couple of straightforward arrangements of characteristics that may be practically identical. For every novel, distinguish a rundown of characters and their jobs in the story or significant qualities, and any significant battles, timespans, or significant images (like a component of nature). You may likewise endeavor to think of book subjects that could be equivalent. Test subjects would include: Man versus nature (is every fundamental character doing combating the elements?)Individual versus society (does every principle character feel like an outsider?)Struggle among great and insidiousness (are your characters associated with great v. insidious scenarios?)Coming old enough (do the principle characters experience an extreme exercise that causes them to develop?) Your task will in all probability provide you guidance concerning whether you should discover explicit characters, story qualities, or generally speaking subjects to look at. In the event that it isn't excessively explicit, dont stress! You really have somewhat more breathing space. Looking at Two Novel Themes The instructors objective when doling out this paper is to urge you to think and break down. You no longer read for a surface comprehension of what occurs in a novel; you are perusing to comprehend why things occur and what the more profound meaningâ behind a character is a setting or an occasion. To put it plainly, you are relied upon to think of an intriguing near investigation. For instance of contrasting novel subjects, we will take a gander at The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Red Badge of Courage. Both of these books contain a transitioning subject since both have characters who grow another mindfulness through intense exercises. A few examinations you could make: The two characters need to investigate the thought of enlightened conduct in the social orders where they exist.Each fundamental character needs to scrutinize the conduct of his male good examples and his male peers.Each principle character leaves his youth home and experiences difficulties. To make an article about these two books and their comparative subjects, you would make your own rundown of likenesses like those above, utilizing a rundown, outline, or a Venn chart. Summarize your general hypothesis about how these topics are practically identical to make your proposal articulation. Here is an example:​Both characters, Huck Finn and Henry Fleming, set out on an excursion of revelation, and every kid finds new understanding with regards to conventional thoughts about respect and mental fortitude. You will utilize your normal trademark rundown to direct you as you make body passages. Looking at Main Characters in Novels In the event that your task is to analyze the characters of these books, you would make a rundown or Venn graph to make more correlations: The two characters are youthful menBoth question societys idea of honorBoth witness conduct that makes them question their job modelsBoth have a supporting female influenceBoth question their previous convictions Looking at two books isn't as troublesome as it sounds from the start. When you create a rundown of attributes, you can without much of a stretch see a blueprint rising.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
US Industrial Revolution Essays - Rockefeller Family, Standard Oil
US Industrial Revolution The Standard Oil Company established by John D. Rockefeller and the U.S. Steel Organization established by Andrew Carnegie. The Standard Oil Company and U.S. Steel Organization were made fruitful in various manners because of the activities of their various proprietors. The organizations varied in their work relations, showcase control, and basic association. In the steel business, Carnegie created a framework known as vertical mix. This implies he cut out the center man. Carnegie purchased his own iron and coal mineshafts since utilizing free organizations cost excessively and were wasteful. By doing this he had the option to undersell his competetors in light of the fact that they needed to pay the contenders they went through to get the crude materials. In contrast to Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller coordinated his oil business through and through, his unmistakable advancement in development of American industry was flat. This implied he tailed one item through the entirety of its stages. For instance, rockrfeller controlled the oil when it was bored, through the refining stage, and he kept up power over the refining process transforming it into gas. In spite of the fact that these two influential men utilized two various strategies for the board their organizations were still effective (Conlin, 425-426). Big shots like Andrew Carnegie, the steel ruler, and John D. Rockefeller, the oil noble, practiced their virtuoso in conceiving approaches to circument rivalry. In spite of the fact that, Carnegie slanted to be intense fisted in business, he was not a monopolist and detested monopolistic trusts. John D. Rockefeller came to overwhelm the oil business. With one upward step after another he composed the Standard Oil Company, which was the core of the incredible trust that was framed. Rockefeller demonstrated little benevolence. He accepted crude viciousness won in the wilderness universe of business, where just the fittest endure. He persued the approach of ruin or rule. Rockefeller's oil syndication turned out an unrivaled item at a moderately modest cost. Rockefeller belived in merciless business, Carnegie didn't, yet the two of them had the best organizations in their businesses. (The American Pageant, pages 515-518) Rockefeller treated his clients in a similar way that Andrew Carnegie treated his laborers: savage and cruel. The Standard Oil Company frantically needed each conceivable organization to purchase their items. Standard Oil utilized merciless strategies when Rockefeller threatenedto start his own chain of supermarkets and put neighborhood shippers bankrupt on the off chance that they didn't accepting oil from Standard Oil Company. Carnegie managed his laborers with a similar virus absence of strategy and thought. Carnegie would empower a hostile rivalry between two of his laborers and he spurred them into exceeding one another. A portion of his representatives discovered working under Carnegie deplorable. These contentions turned out to be so critical to the workers that somedidn't converse with each other for quite a long time (McCloskkey, page 145). Albeit both Carnegie and Rockefeller made extermely successsful organizations, the two of them utilized deceitful strategies in some part of their partnership working to get to the top. The achievement of the Standard Oil Company and U.S. Steel organization was credited to the way that their proprietors ran them with incredible position. In this exceptionally competetive timespan, numerous new organizations were being framed and it took capable specialists to excel what's more, keep the organizations running and make the fortunes that were made during this that is all.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Marx and Weber’s Theories of Class Structure in Modern Society Essay
Karl Marx has given us the most powerful outline of how industrialization has influenced the cutting edge social arrangements. As per his industrialization gave us two new classes, which had advanced from the old medieval society. The bourgeoisie and the working class (Bradley, 2006: 134-135). The bourgeoisie in England, the new monetarily predominant class. Toward the start of the nineteenth century, they attempted to reinforce its social and political force. At the neighborhood level, they acquired the force in numerous towns, particularly north of the nation. They did this through by beginning schools and relaxation offices to the individuals. At the national level, they attempted to challenge the old force gathering, the privileged. With the political changes they attempted to take from them the advantages they had increased through having had the political force. Particularly significant was the way that, corn law that kept the cost of horticultural items misleadingly high, and accordingly shielded landowners from the free market, was abrogated. In political terms, was not broken up landowner class, yet the bourgeoisie was to impart capacity to them (Bradley, 2006: 135). Low class or common laborers, is the below average in current society developments, as per Marx. Denied of the chance to create their own vocations, they had to sell all they have, their work, so as to endure. As per Marx, the connection between these classes both that they were reliant on one another and antagonistic to one another. Laborers required for the bourgeoisie to discover them work, and the bourgeoisie required specialists for a benefit. In any case, the relationship was an inborn clash in light of the exploitative idea of these money related courses of action contained (Bradley, 2006: 135). In the same way as other network remarks from the nineteenth century, Marx felt that the compensation no laborers were paid, didn't speak to the estimation of the products they made through their work. Through pieces of their working hours, a laborer creating products comparing to an estimation of their reality will cost. The remainder of their working time, the products they produce, speak to extra esteem. Portions of this worth was taken by the bourgeoisie, as benefit. It very well may be contended that the bourgeoisie, to face a challenge nvestments and step up to the plate and make employments, merit the benefits. It is a significant contention utilized by some today. Marx, notwithstanding, accepts that there are laborers whose work produces products that are qualified for these benefits. In any case, the finance framework, where you find paid a day’s line of work, not founded on the exertion you put down, shrouds the way that the laborers are taken from the benefits of their work. This was what Marx implied by the exploitative idea of these money related courses of action contained. It was additionally in light of a legitimate concern for the bourgeoisie and increment their benefits, to either cut the compensations of laborers or get them to build their creation, without getting a more significant compensation (Bradley, 2006: 135-136). Marx accepted that when the regular workers started to see how they were abused, and perceived how out of line the framework was, they would attempt to transform it. They shared encounters and attention to abuse will be the reason for an entire class, which will stand up and disintegration of this financial framework, supplanting it with a more pleasant framework where laborers controlled the benefits (Bradley, 2006. 36). Marx perceived the presence of different classes of society, yet they appeared to be irrelevant contrasted with the incredible battle for power that we have portrayed here. Max Weber, be that as it may, expounded on the social significance of what are presently portrayed as the new working class. These are varieties of the gatherings of authorities, from office laborers to instructors, and pioneers. Weber noticed that the huge development of organization, prompted a high increment in this new white collar class. As the regular workers, this class was additionally very maktlos, in the way that they claimed what they delivered, however needed to sell his own work. However they got higher social advantages than the common laborers, and was along these lines put in a circumstance of rivalry and competition with them. Weber accepted, alongside numerous different sociologists, that the development of this new white collar class would hinder the regular workers would ascend against the bourgeoisie (Bradley, 2006: 136). Weber’s idea of classes avveik from Marx on other significant zones. While he recognized that there were significant divisions in the public arena between the classes of property and the propertyless, Weber accepted that there were enormous contrast even inside these gatherings. Not exclusively was it than the hole between the working and white collar class, as portrayed here, yet in addition inside classes. These divisions were made by the market that remunerated gatherings contrast regarding what abilities they had. Researchers laborers were more refreshing than the unlearned, as a result of their experience and preparing. The working class had various groupings changing degrees of capabilities, instruction, and preparing to offer. Inside classes of property, there were additionally divisions between bunches with as per what sort of property they had. While Marx’s abuse hypothesis and class struggle, he was to feature the potential for solidarity between the two significant classes, was Weber’s accentuation on the mutual jobs in the market brought about his perspectives on various gatherings inside classes, that they existed in an atmosphere of competition with one another. The contention was as extraordinary inside the classes as between the various classes (Bradley, 2006: 136-137). This impact was fortified, as indicated by Weber, on the grounds that the monetary conditions inside the classes was additionally convoluted by two other covering wellsprings of social divisions, specifically Weber call status and gathering association. Contrasts in status alludes to the diverse measure of eminence or social position held by various gatherings. Weber contended that the distinctive status inside the common laborers, neutralizing Marx’s hypothesis of a joined class that would remain against the bourgeoisie. At last, Weber accepted that the gatherings and other political associations would go across class and status divisions in its participation, as they looked to activate the ability to get the opportunity to meet the interests of its individuals. On this premise, Weber delivered a model of network development that was more unpredictable than Marx’s polar model (Bradley, 2006: 137). On the off chance that you take a gander at history toward the start of the nineteenth century, it is increasingly similar to talking corresponding to Marx’s model, than Weber. The period between 1780 to 1840 was a period of consistent change, in which laborers battled against the new modern framework and tribulations, and destitution that industrialization carried with it. There were food deficiencies, several strikes and showings in the industrialized territories. These uproars prompted political changes, for example, casting a ballot rights for all men. In any case, most uproars were ocal and little scope, mirroring the way that industrialization was a harsh prosesss, which took various structures and happened at different speeds around. Which implied that laborers were in resistance to a seat, was not an issue somewhere else (Bradley, 2006: 137-138). As a prologue to the Communist Manifesto Karl Marx composed the content and common ordinary. In this content Marx depicts class association in present day society. Out of the primitive ruin, built up the advanced middle class society itself. This occurred without the class divisions that existed in the general public was canceled. In this new present day average society, new classes were embedded instead of the former, it was added to the new states of abuse, new types of battle between classes. The change that hangs out in this time, as the middle class time, nonetheless, is that it has streamlined class enmities. The entire society sharing increasingly more into two extraordinary antagonistic camps, two classes that are straightforwardly against one another: bourgeoisie and low class. Enormous industry has made the world market that had been set up by the disclosure of America. The world market has made exchange, transportation and transport over a huge turn of events. This has again showed up back on the business dispersion, and to a similar degree that the bourgeoisie created, expanded its capital and it required all the classes that originated from the Middle Ages out of sight. Accordingly we perceive how the cutting edge bourgeoisie is itself a result of a long turn of events, a progression of changes in the method of creation and correspondence conditions. The bourgeoisie has not flushed during this century they have had class control, made a progressively extensive, epic profitable powers than every single going before age together. Oppression of common powers, hardware, utilization of science to industry and agribusiness, transporting traffic, railroads electric tickers, development of entire mainlands, streams made traversable, entire populaces got rid of the earth †what prior century realized that such creation powers covered up in society’s belly . The most significant essential for citizenship class presence and mastery is that riches gather in private hands, that capital development and expanded; condition for capital is wage work. Business relies exclusively upon the opposition the laborers hemselves. Progress in the business, that the bourgeoisie will-less and without opposition the transporter, prompting a progressive association of laborers of affiliations as opposed to their division by shared rivalry. With incredible modern advancement hence loses the bourgeoisie itself the premise on which it creates and appropriates items. It creates basically his own killer. Bourgeoisie fate and triumph of the working class are similarly inescapable (Englestad, 1992: 235-243). Max Weber’s hypotheses of social classes, is viewed as the primary option in contrast to Marx. Weber takes, similar to Marx, in view of the monetary conditions. However, in contrast to Marx, Weber includes not just center the connection among businesses and
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Wedge Examples
Wedge Examples Wedge A wedge is a simple machine that almost looks like a ramp or an inclined plane. It is actually made up of two inclined planes joined together. It can be made of wood, metal, stone, or plastic. It is thick on one end and usually thins out to a sharp edge on the other end. They come in all sizes and usually have handles attached to them. Examples of Wedge: Wedges can be used in many different ways: for cutting, splitting, tightening or to hold back, to hold together, or for scraping, such as a snowplow or farm grader. A wedge works by a braking apart an object as shown in the image to the right. The hammer's force on the wedge is causing the object to break apart in two directions as shown by the arrows. An axe is a wedge with a handle. In the image to the left it is splitting apart the tree stump. The axe is a wedge made of metal and the force used splits apart the stump. Due to the wedge's shape the tree stump breaks apart just like the object in the above image. The axe, or wedge, helps make splitting apart the tree stump much easier that doing it by hand. There are two types of wedges: single and double. The examples above are both double wedges. A doorstopper and a chisel are examples of single wedges. Another example of a double wedge, much thinner than an axe, is a knife. All knives are wedges, as are nails, because of their ability to cut or split, and in the case of the nail, to hold something together. The longer and sharper a wedge is, the less effort it will take for the work to get done. A shorter wedge will require more force and effort because it has a wider angle at the tip. The mechanical advantage (the amount of force used) will be higher with a long wedge having a thinner tip. In other words, the wedge with the thinner tip will be easier to use. Wedges have been in existence for millions of years with early humans using wedges made of hard rocks and stones to hunt, such as a spear, or used to cut and trim trees or carve other stones. The concept behind the wedge helps with the faster movement of jets and modern cars. They have pointed noses which help them cut through the air and as a result there will be less resistance. Other common examples of wedges include shovels, teeth, some screwdrivers, a saw, a needle, scissors, and ice picks; or wedges that hold things together like staples, push pins, and tacks. As with all simple machines like a wedge, they are designed to help make some work easier to do.
Monday, May 18, 2020
A Research On Dementia Caregivers - 853 Words
Summary: The authors argued this study is an innovation research about dementia caregivers, because researchers collect their data from rural area dementia caregivers who have been long been forgotten, and all those pervious studies are only focusing on service-utilizing population who is affluent white people living at urban, furthermore, pervious findings are fail to address the geographic backgrounds of study participants. And in this cross-sectional research study, authors reach their participants by a creative and well designed approach which helped them get to the underlying data, and yet, found the similarities and differences between African American and non-Hispanic White family caregivers of dementia patients living in rural Alabama. Main Points: 1. Study design and data collection Authors had a specialized procedures developed for this study, that allowed them to reach a geographically dispersed rural caregiver population at 67 counties of Alabama which 45 of them are considered rural. The potential participants were initially contacted via modified random-digital-dialing telephone interview. And after the first contact, if the participants wanted to move to the second step, researchers will promise participants to pay them $50 if they can complete an upcoming 60 to 90 minutes’ phone interview. 2. Measurements The measurements for the research were variety, they used the theoretical caregiving stress model based on a framework conducted by Pearlin, Mullan,Show MoreRelatedResearch On Family Caregivers Of Dementia1209 Words  | 5 Pagesstudies were the longest research studies included and offer valuable data, as time is an important element in research. Each study that evaluated depression and anxiety found higher levels of depression and anxiety are prevalent in family caregivers of person with dementia compared to non-dementia caregivers and non-caregivers as well. The stress and burden providing for a loved one can be overwhelming and impactful. Analysis Dementia has a significant impact on family caregivers’ mental, physical andRead MoreDementi A Progressive Mental Disorder1389 Words  | 6 Pagesthere are approximately 120,000 people that have been diagnosed with dementia or a related condition. Dementia is a progressive mental disorder characterized as the deterioration of intelligence and personality (Myers, 2009). By 2031 the number of people living with dementia will drastically increase to 750,000 due to the aging baby boomers population (Statistics Canada, 2013; Black, et al., 2010). People living with dementia require assistance with activities of daily living (ADL); this assistanceRead MoreThe Effects Of Music Therapy On Patients With Dementia1547 Words  | 7 Pagesto aide in patients who suffered from dementia. When conducting my own research I ran across an article titled â€Å"Connecting through music: A study of a spousal caregiver-directed music intervention designed to prolong fulfilling relationshi ps in couples where one person has dementia†, this article caught my attention because it examined the relationship of couples where one of the spouses’ suffered from dementia and the other spouse was the primary caregiver. Music therapy is recognized to reduceRead MoreDementia Caregiving Experiences1042 Words  | 4 PagesTitle- Dementia Caregiving experiences : The impact of negative caregiving experiences on Care recipient’s Mental and Physical health. Introduction With advancing age dependency increases and family is the primary contact an individual turn to for assistance.It is reported that 36 million adults provide care to a family member aged 65 or older. (National Alliance for Caregiving, 2009).Similarly, the family members will also have higher degree of involvement in caregiving for an individualRead MoreEssay On Alzheimers828 Words  | 4 PagesPatients and Caregivers Patients and caregivers who are suffering from Alzheimer’s are seeking ways to relieve their burden and improve their quality of life. An intervention which includes community resources such as, community support groups, adult day care, respite care services and nursing homes can be excellent resources to help people with dementia and enhancing caregiver coping skills; with the early diagnosis, the patients and families can gain benefits to these programs (BrightFocus, 2015)Read MoreEssay about Alzheimer’s Disease1159 Words  | 5 PagesAmerica is Alzheimer’s disease. There is no method of curing yet, but it was proved that life of people living with the disease and caregivers can become better if good care and aid are provided during the whole period of the illness (Alzheimer’s Association, 2010). It is obvious that Alzheimer’s disease has financial and psychological impact on individuals, caregivers and society. Nowadays 35.6 million people are sentenced that they have this disease. It is predicted that this number will increaseRead MorePrevalence of Dementia and Alzheimers Disease in Elders1633 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Introduction: Background to the topic Dementia Dementia is one of the most common diseases that affects the elderly and requires substantial healthcare structures to be placed thereof. Another disease that is commonly found amongst the elderly is à lzhà µimà µrs disease. Both these are found to be significantly common amongst the aged people in the world. The treatment and medication of this disease is à ° costly affair and can keep on increasing if the disease continues to grow (Alvarado-EsquivelRead MoreA Brief Note On The Final Stages Of The Disease1314 Words  | 6 Pagescontrolling their bladder or bowels (Newton par. 16). There are a lot of social factors that are affected when a person has dementia. One example would be that the patient may forget simple words and replace them with something more inappropriate (Signs par. 4). Although there is a lot that is affected when a person has dementia, the patient still has some basic mental stability. Dementia patients may still hold onto long ago memories, concrete meanin gs, familiar words or feelings, desire to communicationRead MoreCaregiving Of A Family Member With Dementia1659 Words  | 7 PagesBackground This case rooted from the lack of resources available that discussed the positive aspects of caregiving. This study investigated the positive aspects of caregiving of bereaved caregivers who provided care to a family member with dementia. This study is also due to prior research suggestion that when death is preceded by a chronic illness, disability, and high levels of caregiving strain, a sense of relief that the care recipient’s suffering has ended can counterbalance adverse bereavementRead MoreWhat Is The Development Of A Mobile Assignment?1536 Words  | 7 Pagesidentified population consists of family caregivers of people with dementia in Canada. As such, we need to implement our model in a way that it is accessible and usable for this population. The health promotion strategy that we intend to use is the development of a mobile application. The intention behind this app is to provide a free, accessible tool that caregivers of family members with dementia can use to mi tigate the extremely high rates of depression, caregiver fatigue, and burnout, that are experienced
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effects Of Socioeconomic Status On Middle Childhood Essay
The Effects of Socioeconomic Status from Birth to Middle Childhood Socioeconomic status is the driving force behind many aspects of life. In this essay I will touch on several ways in which it can impact areas of development both in the United States and other places around the world. The first area I would like to look at is Behavior. In the textbook chapter 2 discusses behavior genetics and heritability. It discusses the relationship between the genetic and the environmental influences using SES as an example on environment as it relates to intelligence. The book states that some studies find middle class families to have higher heritability of intelligence not due to different genes than those in a lower SES but because they have access to greater resources. (Arnett, 2016) Another study used a Family-based training program in lower SES preschoolers. â€Å"Children from different socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds display profound disparities in cognitive skills, brain structure and function, and academic outcomes (e.g., refs. 1⇓⇓–4). Because academic disparities associated with SES are increasing in many societies (5), there is strong motivation to develop and implement training programs that can narrow these achievement gaps.†(Neville, et al., 2013) This study did find that the children in the Family-based program showed significant changes in the reduction of problem behavior and improvement in their social skills. The implementation of parent or caregiverShow MoreRelatedSocioeconomic Status and Health Issues1380 Words  | 5 Pages Socioeconomic status (a measurement of income, education, and occupation) measures an individuals social standing in society. Low socioeconomic status is often linked to a depravity of essential material resources and heightened psychological stress variables. The importance of researching the effects is underlined by its association to a number of adverse health effects and the increasing prevalence of poverty within many countries in the world. Recent studies have investigated the possibleRead MoreParenting Techniques and Their Influences on Their Child‚Äà ´s Behavior and Habits.1227 Words  | 5 Pagesand correct any bad habits they may learn a long the way. Socioeconomic status is a huge factor in how a topic of parenting techniques can be studied. Any subject pertaining to parenting style and their influences can be linked to their social class. I will focus most of my discussion on the effects of overall parenting techniques and how socioeconomic factors and be linked to those techniques. Keywords: parenting styles, socioeconomic status, children Parenting Techniques andRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On The Development Of An Individual1659 Words  | 7 PagesArticle one â€Å"Infant Development Outcomes: A Family Systems Perspective†focused on the early stages of infancy; birth to seventeen months, and the effects of the individual mental status of each parent and the relationship of the parents on the infants cognitive and physical development. The second article â€Å"Contextualizing video game play: The moderating effects of cumulative risk and parenting styles on the relations among video game exposure and problem behaviors†focused on adolescents; age 6-8. SpecificallyRead MoreHow Socioeconomic Status Affects Cognitive Development of Children1722 Words  | 7 Pages one of the important ones being socioeconomic status (SES). SES can be defined as a multidimensional construct, including measures of social factors such as power, prestige and hierarchical social status, and economic resources (Hack man and Farah, 2009). Child development can be studied from multiple dimensions such as physical, mental, social, and emotional development among others. For the purposes of this study, I will be focusing on how socioeconomic status affects child cognitive developmentRead MoreEffects Of Low Socioeconomic Status On Mental Health1440 Words  | 6 Pageslinked socioeconomic status to mental health, especially in children and adolescents. Low poverty levels have been specifically identified as a key causal factor in developing mental health problems in children. There has been much discussion over the different theories as to why this is the case, but only two of these theories seem to hold a lot of evidence. Certain interventions and preventative measures can be employed in order to improve an individual’s mental health by altering socioeconomic statusRead MoreEssay on Childhood Obesity1599 Words  | 7 PagesChildhood obesity is one of the most serious public health chall enges of the 21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle-income families particularly in the United States. The socioeconomic status of these families contributes to the childhood obesity epidemic. Summary of Article 1 The article, â€Å"Beliefs about the Role of Parenting in Feeding and Childhood Obesity among Mothers of Lower Socioeconomic Status†is a study that was conducted by Alison KalinowskiRead MoreResearch Process Evaluation: Childhood Obesity and Schools1354 Words  | 5 PagesResearch Process Evaluation: Childhood Obesity and Schools In the article Childhood Obesity and Schools, by Li Hooker (2010), the research process involves nonlinear regression models. Interaction terms were developed so that the researchers could investigate the effects of factors such as physical activity, school type, National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, and other issues on the body mass index of the children who were studied. The research process was to examine a smallRead MoreThe Positive Effect of High Quality Childcare on Childrens Cognitive Development1452 Words  | 6 Pagesprocess involving a complex interaction between biological and environmental factors (Feinstein, 2003, as cited in Wong, Edwards, 2013). There are multiple factors that occur in early childhood including breastfeeding, parental intelligence and obstetric complications that have been researched to understand the effect that they have on children cognitive development extending into adolescence and adulthood. However, research regarding th ese variables has been met with several limitations. It will beRead MoreThe Vietnam Veterans History Questionnaire Essay1341 Words  | 6 PagesSipprelle, Rueger, Carroll, 1984) will be used. Demographic history will be gathered pertaining to the age of participants and ethnicity. Also, demographic variables known to be associated with psychological functioning will be examined such as socioeconomic status. An additional screening question regarding exposure to familial violence will also be incorporated in the questionnaire (e.g. did you ever experienced or witnessed any type of abuse throughout your life?). The Structured Clinical InterviewRead MoreThe Effects Of Socioeconomics On Children s Children1743 Words  | 7 Pages Imagine a boy that has been teased mercilessly by his peers throughout his schooling because of his clothes and his free and reduced lunch status. He is constantly under pressure from peers to have the newest and niftiest gadgets; nevertheless, his mother cannot afford to provide food and permanent housing, much less, these extra luxuries. Therefore, he has to comprise with what his mother can afford. She tries to provide for her children and want s to offer them the world. Nonetheless, due to her
Change in Documentary Genre free essay sample
The documentary genre has changed over time. Changes in society have had an impact on the change. There are large commercialist pressures for documentary to become more entertaining and engaging to capture a wider cinema going audience. Documentary has become increasingly popular. Documentaries such as Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore have been given numerous awards and were widely popular at the box office. The Grey Gardens is a 1975 documentary by Albert and David Maysles. The film depicts the lives of a socialite mother and daughter living in a decrepit mansion. The Grey Gardens uses an observation style of documentary. It uses old style music and the editing pace is slow. The Grey Gardens provides a very different experience than the more recent documentary. The old style of the documentary would have been entertaining to the audience of 1975 as they were more conservative than today’s society and would have been able to relate to the people in the documentary. We will write a custom essay sample on Change in Documentary Genre or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The changes in society have expanded the documentary genre to make it more interesting for the audiences of today. The documentary Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moor is an example of the change in the documentary genre. It is a powerful documentary for the audience as it addresses a very important issue about gun control in the United States. Michael Moore uses humour within the documentary to make it more entertaining and to attract a wider age of viewers than a documentary such as the Grey Gardens. Michael Moore ridicules many of the events and people portrayed throughout the film, such as Charlton Heston, making it entertaining and humorous. The documentary uses a fast editing pace, with Michael Moore creatively putting shots that seem to be unrelated together, such as the Kosovo bombings and the September 11 attacks. As well as making it more captivating for the audience these shots evoke strong emotion and manipulates them into taking Moore’s side. His intensive use of music as ironic punctuation is able to change the mood of the film from humour, to sadness, to horror. The audience is entertained by the documentary because it is reflecting on an issue that affects the U. S. A, it discusses events such as the Kayla Rowland murder and the Columbine shooting which are well known events to society and manipulate the viewer into taking a negative stance on gun control. Touching the Void uses a different style of documentary than that of Bowling for Columbine. Touching the Void is a moving documentary that uses dramatic reconstruction and interviews, which cut between each other. Unlike Bowling for Columbine file footage was not used as there was no file footage of the actual event. The combination of these conventions is entertaining to the audience as it allows them to connect with the mountaineers. The combination of eerie violin music and the dramatic reconstruction is chilling to the viewer and makes them engage with the mountaineers. The interviews make the story seem more truthful to the audience. The audience connects with the documentary because people in society are interested in other peoples lives and the documentary gives insight into part of the mountaineers lives, with the use of the conventions. Touching the Void impacted on the genre by using this different style of documentary making documentaries more like films. These types of documentaries are called docudrama. The documentary Jesus Camp by Rachael Grady and Heidi Ewing is another example of how the documentary genre has changed over time. Like the Grey Gardens it uses an observational style but has a faster editing pace and uses more modern music such as Christian Heavy metal music. The documentary is interesting to the audience because although it is humorous it is also shocking to the viewer. It uses very moving, spiritual music to relate to the religious theme of the documentary and to evoke strong emotions and opinions of the viewer. The documentary uses shocking live footage and fast paced editing to shock the audience. Like Touching the Void it provides insight into the people’s lives showing societies pre-occupations with other peoples lives. The nature of documentary films has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. The film genre has become increasingly successful with films such as Super-size Me, Bowling for Columbine and an Inconvenient Truth being among the most successful examples at box office. Pressures on documentary to be more entertaining have caused some controversy in documentaries such as Bowling for Columbine where critics have questioned where it can actually be alled a documentary as unrelated shots are put together to create a negative and biased view on gun control in the U. S. A. With the increasing popularity and development of â€Å"reality television†, which veers to the fictional and is often staged. This aspect of documentary makes people more suspicious of the genre and less likely to accept it as the truth. The need for society to be entertained will h ave an affect on documentary as they will have to become more entertaining to continue to attract the wider cinema going audience.
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